pondělí 28. října 2013

FZD subscriber contest prices

Hi, finally I've won second place at the FZD contest. So I want to thanks everybody for your support. Take a look at prizes shipped from Singapore recently. It is a signed book with Feng's works and his students as well called FZD Foundation 01, very nice. And also I've got a paper with original Feng's sketches, so thank you so much Feng. :)


úterý 22. října 2013

New images

Hi, I would like to show you some new images. It contais utopic cities, classic sci-fi stuff and also one image from Next nature environment where construction manipulating nature... As you can see I have to concentrate on transportaion design more and medieval kind stuff as well, because the castle isn't looks good. I hope you will enjoy it  :)

neděle 20. října 2013

Designblok 2013

Hi, I want to appreciate great exhibitions on the recent Designblok action. This Prague event has given me various inspirations and points of view of topical design scene. You could see many approaches of product design came from furniture to car design and many of them were really concept art like.
I'm sending here some photos of things which had great impact on my imagenation. And also I have to mention the Škoda exhibition where I've got great information about car deisgn industry itself from their designers. And they had Cintiq on the place so I tried to do quick sketch of car as you can see on one photo... I need more training with this topic :D
 It was great I'm looking for new year.

sobota 12. října 2013

Architectural phantasmagory

 Hi, I want to show you some images and sketches from the collection of pieces what I have done during year. It is mainly architectural based scenes, sometimes more expressive than descriptive. I'm still working on the other images so I will be posting it gradually. I hope you like it :]